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Book review - Crazy Rich Asians
The International Family Offices Journal
Vol. 3 - Iss. 4 pp. 58–62
Jun 2019
This is a review to end all reviews - of a fascinating popular movie based on the 2013 novel Crazy Rich Asians written by Kevin Kwan. Christian Stewart, based in Hong Kong and founder of Family Legacy Asia, found so many interesting family and wealth themes in this movie that the review turned into a major opus - which we hope everyone will enjoy and learn from as well. In his trademark style Christian was so thorough that he read one of the three books the movie was based on, in addition to watching the movie (I didn't even know there were books, and Christian warns they are a bit dense). Christian does a smooth job of distilling many family dynamic lessons from the film and from the first book. Without including any spoilers, I will just end as Christian does, with this question for Nick: As a now grown man shouldn't Nick be making his own re-assessment of these family messages? If Nick really is to be the champion in the rising generation of his family clan, that role also has to involve respectful engagement with the family elders, to start a dialogue across generations, about the need to have a more flexible and nuanced approach to how family members can engage with the external world, the purpose of the money, and the purpose and vision for their family. So this truly fun movie is grist for the mill of family dynamics!