The International Family Offices Journal
Print ISSN: 2398-5404
Online ISSN: 2398-5404
The family office environment is of great interest to lawyers, accountants, trust companies, advisers in private banks and the financial world, as well as family office executives and wealthy families themselves.
This practical information source co-published with STEP features articles from leading professionals, who discuss a range of topics including: the various family office models and structures; governance issues; protection of assets; charity projects; consensus and communication within families; next generation issues. Includes news alerts from STEP, the worldwide professional association for those advising families across generations. A key feature of the journal is its international approach.
Whether you are a legal or tax professional practising in the family office sphere, a specialist adviser, or a new entrant to this diverse and challenging arena, this quarterly journal will provide an invaluable source of comment and insight into how family offices need to be advised, managed and run.
Congratulations to Barbara Hauser from all at Globe Law and Business for being listed in Spears 500 in the Family Offices Services category!
Family offices are not only financial, they are personal. The International Family Offices Journal offers insights into every aspect of family office, taking a multi-cultural perspective in all of its articles. - Dennis Jaffe, Wise Counsel Research
"I want to tell you how much I appreciate this journal you have developed; it is EXCELLENT!!! I am a subscriber and nearly read each edition word for word!!" - Jack E Thurman, Managing Partner, BKD Family Office
I enjoy Barbara Hauser’s journal tremendously and believe it represents an important voice for the field. - James Grubman PhD, Family Wealth Consulting, USA
Editor: Nicola Saccardo – Charles Russell Speechlys LLP
Founding Editor: Barbara R Hauser
Editorial Board:
Linda Bourn, Alliant Private Client
Russell Cohen, Farrer & Co
Keith Drewery, Drewery Consulting
Mary Duke, Adviser to Families
Aditya Gadge, Association of Wealth Management of India (AIWMI)
Katie Graves, Withers
Dennis Jaffe, Wise Counsel Research
Raimund Kamp, Guidato Family Offices
Eugene Lipitz, Commodore Management Company
Humberto Sanches, Humberto Sanches + Associados
Vanessa Schrum, Appleby