The International Family Offices Journal
Volume 7, Issue 1, Sep 2022
Complete Issue - Volume 7, Issue 1 September 2022
Saccardo, Nicola
7(1), pp. 1–78
Editorial - Volume 7, Issue 1
Saccardo, Nicola
7(1), pp. 3–3
Increasing the impact of family philanthropy through donor collaboration - guidance on getting started
Barroso, Donzelina
7(1), pp. 5–12
Governance, entrepreneurship, resilience and reinvention on the five-generation journey of a family enterprise
Jaffe, Dennis T | Prabhu, Maya | Cintra, Carolina
7(1), pp. 13–20
Location, location, location - the role of offshore financial centres in family office structures
Grasby, Richard
7(1), pp. 21–24
The importance of financial education for securing wealth transfer across generations
Brock, Peter
7(1), pp. 25–30
Russian sanctions - an overview of the UK and EU regimes
Whittaker, David
7(1), pp. 31–37
The stories of rock and roll legacies - from me to who?
Knox, Paul
7(1), pp. 39–46
The new Right of Compensatory Levy - return of French forced heirship rules? A matter to consider in cross-border succession with France
Khayat, Michael | Marcilhacy, Jeanne
7(1), pp. 47–51
Family offices and the art of investment
Klein, Mary Elizabeth
7(1), pp. 52–59
Doing what is asked versus doing what is needed - keeping a family office relevant for the long term
Coutré, Jim
7(1), pp. 60–63
Luxury corner: Between myth-busting and reality - a closer look at private aviation in 2022 in light of new challenges and opportunities
Segard, Eymeric
7(1), pp. 64–69
News section - September 2022
7(1), pp. 70–75