The International Family Offices Journal
Volume 3, Issue 2, Dec 2018
Family offices in Italy
Saccardo, Nicola
3(2), pp. 5–8
Leaving a global legacy - the settlor's intent beyond borders
Crain, Joan K
3(2), pp. 9–14
State of the industry report - single family offices take their turn on centre stage
Casey, Robert
3(2), pp. 15–25
Israel - estate planning considerations for the new immigrant
Alon Kaplan, Lyat Eyal
3(2), pp. 26–29
Protecting settlor intent
Mayo, Todd D
3(2), pp. 30–37
Offshore limited liability companies and the family office
Fife, Ashley
3(2), pp. 38–45
Making an impact: how philanthropy is evolving in the private client space
O'Connell, Kevin
3(2), pp. 46–52
Interview with Maria Canals de Cediel of Quilvest multi-family office
Hauser, Barbara R
3(2), pp. 53–54
Meet the editorial board - Keith Drewery
Drewery, Keith
3(2), pp. 55–56
Luxury corner - Buy in the sky
Kaczmarek, Mary
3(2), pp. 57–58
Book review - The Soul of Family Business
Hauser, Barbara R
3(2), pp. 59–59
On wealth - Why wealth is about more than money
Willis, Thayer Cheatham
3(2), pp. 60–61