The International Family Offices Journal
Volume 4, Issue 2, Dec 2019
Single family office executive coaching: challenges and solutions
Narva, Richard | Griffiths, Freya | Boehmke, Anthea
4(2), pp. 5–12
Dangers of social media
Bain, Charlie
4(2), pp. 13–17
High-wire act: exercising fiduciary discretion in an uncertain and increasingly litigious world
FitzPatrick, Daniel M
4(2), pp. 18–25
Mommy, are we rich? - millennials and money
Peterfriend, Suzy | Hauser, Barbara R
4(2), pp. 26–30
Swiss Fintech licence or 'banking licence light' - boosting the innovation
Davidoff, Tatyana
4(2), pp. 31–36
Getting your house in order
Parkin, Shaun
4(2), pp. 37–41
Culture, communication and conflict
Marsh, Ian A
4(2), pp. 42–50
My path to family philanthropy or how I fell in love with good governance
Sternheim, Marci B
4(2), pp. 51–56
On Wealth - LGBTQ families need tailored investment and financial services
Volk, Timothy J
4(2), pp. 57–58
Luxury Corner - Adventure to the South
Woodhead, Robyn
4(2), pp. 59–60
Book Review - The Woes of the Rich
Meyer, Rebecca
4(2), pp. 61–62
Learnings from generative family - 100-year research
Jaffe, Dennis T
4(2), pp. 63–64