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Dangers of social media
The International Family Offices Journal
Vol. 4 - Iss. 2 pp. 13–17
Dec 2019
Charlie Bain, London, who has previously written on this subject for the Journal, brings us an update on the ever-increasing dangers of social media, and stresses the importance of being prepared in case there's a posting or a leak that could damage the family's reputation. The use of social media by all types of parties continues to increase rapidly, as his many examples show. He advises: One of the first steps is knowing what's out there about you. A reputational crisis happens quickly and a bit like a fire, spreads if you haven't prepared properly and know what to do. So knowing in intimate detail all about your digital footprint ahead of that crisis is hugely important and allows you to respond more confidently and with great speed. You should know your digital profile as well as you know yourself or your business.