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Mommy, are we rich? - millennials and money
The International Family Offices Journal
Vol. 4 - Iss. 2 pp. 26–30
Dec 2019
The authors of the book ?Mommy, are we rich??: Talking to children about family money, Suzy Peterfriend, Florida, USA, and Barbara Hauser, Minnesota, USA, have looked at the advice they gave to parents of five-year-olds some 18 years ago. Those children are now millennials. The authors interviewed a number of them for this article. Their findings include: Our millennials already have access to a wealth of information, some say it is an overload. They live in complex social networks enabled by the ubiquitous iPhones. They ask questions of each other and lean on reviews from friends. So they are not asking parents as many money questions. But they do have thoughts and worries about money. They include three of their original chapters and add the new learnings about millennials at the end of each one.