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The new frontier of family wealth education
The International Family Offices Journal
Vol. 5 - Iss. 4 pp. 12–18
Jun 2021
The family wealth education landscape serving ultra-high net worth (UHNW) and high net worth (HNW) families is in a state of flux. This article provides context to the evolution of family wealth education from brick-andmortar solutions and explores pathways for its online future. First, the article provides an industry literature review of what has been researched by academics and practitioners on the topic of family wealth education and the progression of learning. Second, it reveals the increased attention and relevance of family wealth education due to the global wealth transfer among the HNW and UHNW populations. Third, the article discusses the challenges, reality and methods for devising a family wealth education approach. Fourth, it discusses the education planning process and a fictionalised case study to illustrate the direction that family wealth education is moving.