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Book Review - A missing book
The International Family Offices Journal
Vol. 5 - Iss. 4 pp. 59–59
Jun 2021
I'm part of the famous Baby Boomer group in the United States, and we have relied on outside help for all possible topics. Having a baby? Study Dr Spock's Baby and Child Care. Breastfeeding a baby? Study the La Leche League book, The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding. Raising children? Don't forget Your Child's Self-Esteem. Managing marriage and careers? Turn to Gail Sheehy and her clues for each passage of life. Sad about the end of life? Read Elizabeth Kubler- Ross, On Death and Dying. But something is missing. We Boomers need another book - about this stage of our lives. The nextgen continues to receive an overwhelming amount of advice and attention. But ?what about me?? We are living much longer after ?retirement' age. Where is our book?