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Book review - Leading Professionals: Power, Politics and Prima Donnas by Laura Empson
Modern Lawyer
Vol. 1 - Iss. 4 pp. 64–66
Jan 2018
This is a fascinating book. It delves into some of the darker recesses of professional service firms and systematically unpicks many of the organisational and psychological dynamics that pass for leadership in them. Professor Laura Empson has a longstanding interest in professional firms and, consequently, a real appreciation of what makes them tick. The aim of the book is ?to help readers (practitioners and academics alike) to ask better questions, to see familiar phenomena with greater clarity, and to think more rigorously about how to discover the answers for themselves?. Judged on that aim, the book should be a success - though, as ever with practitioners, I might wonder about their stamina and willingness to stick with the necessary rigour to think through the issues and come to the best conclusions.