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GC Perspectives - How close to technology does the GC need to be?
Modern Lawyer
Vol. 2 - Iss. 1 pp. 57–60
Apr 2018
As a general counsel (GC), I sometimes feel that the world of legal technology is like an overstocked sweet shop where there are so many apparently delicious temptations to choose from that the best option is to leave the buying choices to your head of legal operations or, in the absence of that particular wizard, to your loyal and overworked deputy GC. After all, it is just a matter of getting the latest apps and databases rolled out to the team, isn't it - a bit like updating my iPhone? On reflection, I would say that while the picture of a sweet shop is not too far from the truth, the best reaction is certainly not to distance oneself from the decisions and implementation involved in bringing new technology to the team.