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Career planning is often discussed within in-house legal departments, if only to contrast the structured career that a lawyer might have in a law firm with the more open career track that needs to be pursued within a corporate. However, for many General Counsels (GCs), their career progression and growth has invariably been achieved not through a carefully prepared plan but through a combination of accident and fortuitous timing - being in the right place at the right time - or through the experience and lessons learned from a particular situation, often a crisis. It is these pivot points in the journey to becoming a successful GC that are the defining moments in that person's career. I take the view that these defining moments should not be filed away, left to gather dust until they re-emerge in an autobiography or memoir. With an awareness and a sharing of these moments, they can be put to good use in both the individual's continued growth but also importantly in the growth of those around them and in the profession more widely.