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It might seem a strange thing to admit, but one of my mottos for both work and for life is ?be a disciplined half-ass?. Taken from Eat, Pray, Love author Elizabeth Gilbert's book on creativity - Big Magic - it is at first sight an odd slogan to lay claim to. Surely, in the words of that sanguine sage of self-possession, Parks and Recreation's Ron Swanson, we should avoid being a half-ass at all costs: ?Don't half-ass two things - whole ass one thing?. But the truth is, as an approach, it has a lot of merit both in the creative and the business fields. To create something, you often need to balance two seemingly conflicting skills. One, to work as hard as you possibly can to make something great - I mean really, really work at it. But also, to be able to reach a stage where you can say, ?screw it, it's good enough, I'm done?.