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Foreign trusts under Argentine law
The International Family Offices Journal
Vol. 6 - Iss. 2 pp. 28–33
Jan 2021
Trusts are adopted in common law jurisdictions for a wide array of purposes. Attracted by the stability of the legal regimes, Argentine residents have resorted to common law trusts mainly for estate planning, irrespective of the fact that mandatory Argentine inheritance laws prevented profiting to the full potential of common law trusts. Since the enactment of Law No 24.441/95, establishing the legal framework of fideicomisos - the Argentine law version of trusts - fideicomisos have been increasingly used for a broad variety of purposes, ranging from financing construction projects to structured finance and estate planning. The amendment of the Civil and Commercial Code in 2015 further regulated trusts. As a result, the local legal community has become more familiar with trusts in general.