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An interview with Tsitsi Mutendi, co-founder of African Family Firms
The International Family Offices Journal
Vol. 6 - Iss. 3 pp. 54–55
Mar 2022
Having been a member of several African family businesses myself, I experienced the journey as a lonely one. Most organisations or associations catered for entrepreneurs and SMEs, MMEs or other more professionally aligned titles. No one talked about the unique challenges I faced as a family business owner, as an inheritor and as a leader of multiple businesses. Although the programmes and activities were all helpful, there was a big missing piece. As I spoke to my peers and started researching on a more regional and continental level, I realised the need for a space for families of wealth and families in business to come together. A safe space where we could tackle the challenges we were facing by sharing and learning from each other while having an advocate that spoke on behalf of our circumstances. Noting that no two families are the same, but sometimes the problems they tackle may have a common basis or a familiar experience. I was also encouraged by seeing global organisations set up for a similar purpose.