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Cybersecurity and the family office
The International Family Offices Journal
Vol. 1 - Iss. 1 pp. 36–42
Sep 2016
Mention IT and data security in any conversation and most people's eyes glaze over. Like dietary fibre or exercise, cybersecurity is one of those things that you know is good for you but rarely seems tasty or interesting in large doses. Yet, on any day, in any major newspaper or newsfeed, you are guaranteed to find an article that touches on a security breach at a large institution or an act of cyberterrorism somewhere in the world. Cybercrime is now big business and, day by day, the cost of entry is getting lower and the payoff higher for professional cybercriminals. Families and family offices need to refocus their attention on this area, which is expected to be the single most important area of risk management for the coming decades.