Tomorrow's Naked Lawyer
Published: 2014
Pages: 179
eBook: 9781787427426
This new book, tomorrows naked lawyer, explores, debates, and challenges conventional thinking and wisdom with regard to marketing, branding, technology, artificial intelligence, robotics, and the future of law during the period 2015 to 2045
This new report, tomorrow’s naked lawyer, builds on the current thinking on a variety of subjects and explores and challenges conventional thinking and wisdom with regard to marketing, branding, technology, artificial intelligence, robotics, and the future of law during the period of 2015 to 2045.
This report focuses on the impact artificial intelligence is currently having and will inevitably have on the black and white letter of the law. The author poses challenging questions about where society, the market, and the legal ecosystem is moving (and where the law is lagging behind), all the while providing practical solutions in relation to the psychology and skills that you will need to future proof your career and/or your business.
Based on compelling research from a wide spectrum of resources and fields, and with input from numerous authoritative and respected global leaders within the legal profession and far beyond, the report describes the improvements and automations that may be made for your personal good, the client good, the legal business good, and for the good of legal justice systems throughout the world.
A glimpse at the content
--- Practical advice, case studies and examples to help you and your business grow
--- Examples from IBM, Google, UBS, DAS, LexisNexis, and Peppermint Technology
--- Contributions from eminent, and world renowned professionals, leading thinkers, scientists, technologists, futurists, and entrepreneurs
--- Some storytelling and cheekiness in true naked lawyer style!
It’s time to start providing answers and solutions to how we can embrace NewTech and the NewHuman by creating NewLaw and still be successful. tomorrow's naked lawyer does exactly this.
It is an important read for anyone, anywhere in the world, who is curious about the future of law and how to prepare for it.
Lawyers, non-lawyers, suppliers, consultants, entrepreneurs, innovators, investors, YOU … enjoy the tomorrow's naked lawyer journey!
Table of Contents
Cover | Cover | |
Title page | i | |
Copyright page | ii | |
Contents | iii | |
preface | vii | |
about the author | xvii | |
dedication | xxi | |
legal notices and disclaimer | xxiii | |
foreword | xxv | |
recap: the naked lawyer | xxvii | |
introduction: XXX rated – tomorrow’s lawyer | xxxiii | |
the law is an arse | xxxiii | |
the naked rambler | xxxiii | |
the future? | xxxv | |
portfolio handbag – skills and careers | xxxvi | |
XXX – sexily serendipitous, salubriously serene, socially savvy | xxxvi | |
after dark activity | xxxvii | |
Chapter 1: new and sexy law law land | 1 | |
begin with the future in mind | 1 | |
the kind of world we live in | 1 | |
high price for law and justice | 2 | |
the kind of law law land we live in… | 3 | |
1 in 3 law firms face financial meltdown | 5 | |
new sexy models and players | 6 | |
new sexy markets | 7 | |
after dark activity | 9 | |
Chapter 2: trends, tips, and robot hits | 11 | |
time to get naked | 11 | |
social media, social networking trends, and statistics | 12 | |
social tips for 2015 | 17 | |
marketing is dead | 18 | |
intimacy, service, branding, and reputation matter most | 19 | |
marketing trends for 2015 | 21 | |
robot hits in 2015 | 22 | |
no more B2B or B2C: there is only H2H, then H2R | 24 | |
sounding human | 24 | |
after dark activity | 26 | |
Chapter 3: our robotic life, 2015 to 2045 | 29 | |
certainties in uncertain times | 29 | |
the age of unlawyering | 32 | |
the singularity | 32 | |
2030: rise of the iCyborg lawyer | 35 | |
2045: when iLawyers transcend biology | 37 | |
my dear Watson: the legal game changer | 37 | |
utopia or road to hell? | 40 | |
the robot has left the house of law | 41 | |
after dark activity | 43 | |
Chapter 4: tomorrow’s naked lawyer | 45 | |
life without risk is like no life at all | 45 | |
are you prepared for 2015 to 2045? | 50 | |
gamification of legal education | 50 | |
psycho-lawyernetics | 53 | |
legal life career-making skills | 54 | |
rainmaking | 54 | |
storytelling and creativity | 59 | |
confidence | 60 | |
the dreaded follow-up | 61 | |
law school: but not as you know it | 63 | |
the entrepreneurial lawyer | 65 | |
tomorrow’s naked lawyer | 67 | |
after dark activity | 67 | |
Chapter 5: SocialHuman | 71 | |
2015: social savvy junkie re-invented | 71 | |
SocialHuman: a leap of brand | 74 | |
‘Brand,Me’, ‘Brand,Product’, ‘Brand,Firm’ | 75 | |
smart brand piggy-backing | 79 | |
smart pricing of the social brand message | 81 | |
smart words that sell | 84 | |
smart behaviour that sells | 87 | |
social selling | 87 | |
2015 to 2020: the next big thing in SOCIAL | 88 | |
ROAR case studies | 93 | |
Law Plain and Simple | 100 | |
after dark activity | 102 | |
Chapter 6: NewTech, NewHuman, NewLaw | 105 | |
NewTech | 105 | |
frazzled brain, fluffy cloud | 108 | |
what’s missing? | 111 | |
NewHuman | 115 | |
Robot wife, robot hooker | 115 | |
Robot evolution or revolution | 117 | |
NewLaw | 118 | |
robot lawyer, robot boss, and robot judge? | 120 | |
the new law for the Digital, Robotic, and Interstellar Ages | 122 | |
after dark activity | 128 | |
Chapter 7: the age of magic and miracles | 131 | |
it’s a miracle… | 133 | |
comfort from uncertainty | 133 | |
joy in contrast | 134 | |
rising to a challenge | 135 | |
era of opportunity | 137 | |
magic in the courtroom | 138 | |
change your world or change the world? | 139 | |
after dark activity | 142 | |
afterword | 145 | |
what’s next? | 145 | |
get in touch | 145 | |
get naked | 145 | |
glossary | 147 | |
inspiration | 149 |
Hi! Welcome to the naked lawyer. I'm Chrissie Lightfoot, an entrepreneur turned solicitor(non-practising) turned entrepreneur and CEO of EntrepreneurLawyer Limited. I am absolutely delighted to be your host and to have this opportunity to entertain you whilst sharing with you a new approach to 'how to get more clients, sales, referrals, income, value, growth and success'. Whether you are a lawyer or not, if you have had dealings with the legal profession, or if you simply wish to try some refreshingly new ways of marketing, branding and selling yourself with a view to achieving more choice, change and control in your career and life, then the naked lawyer is an absolute must read for YOU!
The lady doth protest too much, methinks? A bit of background I'm a lawyer (2009 newly qualified solicitor) and an entrepreneur. I'm also:
Designated blogger for the Law Society Gazette 'In Business' blog (regular contributor to the Law Society Gazette's management section - UK);
Mentor for The Prince's Trust 'Million Makers Corporate Challenge' (UK Yorkshire region);
Women's enterprise ambassador (UK);
Past vice-chairman of the Federation of Small Businesses (Teesside Branch - UK);
A national award and prize winning researcher (UK);
A company prize winner;
Contributor to the book Big Rocks: Balancing Life & Work;
An innovator, rainmaker and sales legal coach; and
A woman on a mission dedicated to innovation in legal services provision and advising to benefit both lawyers and entrepreneurs.
Feel free to check out my track-record and profile by Googling me or checking out my profile on LinkedIn; I'd welcome the opportunity to connect with you: