The Naked Lawyer
Published: 2010
Pages: 250
eBook: 9781787427143
From start to finish the naked lawyer will provide you with a complete strategy and skills toolkit for brand, career and business development.
Table of Contents
Cover | Cover | |
Halftitle page | i | |
Copyright page | ii | |
contents | iii | |
preface | vii | |
about the author | xi | |
dedicated to YOU | xiii | |
legal notices and disclaimer | xv | |
foreword | xvii | |
introduction | 1 | |
early 20s treadmill | 1 | |
law matters in business | 1 | |
not a pretty picture | 1 | |
going naked native | 2 | |
a greater calling | 2 | |
entrepreneurlawyer | 2 | |
totally naked | 3 | |
Volume 1: RIP – announcing the ROAR model | 5 | |
what’s the problem? | 5 | |
changing landscape | 5 | |
why am I writing the naked lawyer? | 8 | |
what you’re about to experience | 16 | |
getting the most out of the naked lawyer | 18 | |
Volume 2: wakey wakey rise and shine | 27 | |
RIP – announcing the ROAR model | 27 | |
get a grip | 27 | |
Big Rocks | 35 | |
emotionally intelligent or emotionally defunct? | 37 | |
master of my own mutiny | 46 | |
ethicability unleashed | 52 | |
weird mindset, wicked attitude | 57 | |
after dark activity | 65 | |
ROAR summation | 69 | |
Volume 3: slowly slowly catch a nichey | 71 | |
wakey wakey rise and shine | 71 | |
big rocks rolling | 73 | |
trendy turn on | 76 | |
karma sutra professional specialty | 81 | |
initiative rules! OK? | 84 | |
after dark activity | 89 | |
ROAR summation | 90 | |
Volume 4: getting under your skin | 93 | |
slowly, slowly, catch a nichey | 93 | |
what’s in a name? | 94 | |
personal brand creation | 96 | |
brand unstable? | 99 | |
‘Brand,Me’... everywhere! | 103 | |
after dark activity | 105 | |
ROAR summation | 106 | |
Volume 5: raving referral lobsters rule! | 107 | |
getting under your skin | 107 | |
referral lobster net-kingdom hard-core FMSP | 109 | |
gimme those two drugs! | 117 | |
dirty dancing with Big Rock lobsters | 119 | |
fish-nets! | 120 | |
after dark activity | 121 | |
ROAR summation | 123 | |
Volume 6: social savvy junkie | 125 | |
raving referral lobsters rule! | 125 | |
why why why delilah? | 127 | |
what a load of twaddle | 131 | |
building my network fast... to last | 132 | |
high five junkie! | 135 | |
bust a gut daily work out | 145 | |
after dark activity | 147 | |
ROAR summation | 152 | |
Volume 7: nurturing fuzz to get more buzz | 153 | |
social savvy junkie | 153 | |
cannon ball fun | 155 | |
massage oil, not snake oil | 157 | |
what’s all the fuzz about? | 159 | |
mouse wrap | 160 | |
after dark activity | 162 | |
ROAR summation | 162 | |
Volume 8: talking dirty to a saint when I’m a pure little devil | 165 | |
nurturing fuzz to get more buzz | 165 | |
dynamic three-way | 165 | |
press send, receive jibber-jabber | 169 | |
stunning straplines | 170 | |
going deep | 172 | |
after dark activity | 175 | |
ROAR summation | 176 | |
Volume 9: touch, touch and touch me again | 179 | |
talking dirty to a saint when I’m a pure little devil | 179 | |
we’re engaged! | 181 | |
i like retaining you | 183 | |
i love maintaining you | 187 | |
after dark activity | 189 | |
ROAR summation | 189 | |
Volume 10: continual stimulation | 191 | |
touch, touch and touch me again | 191 | |
innovate everything! | 192 | |
trouble and strife | 195 | |
forward to a stimulating future | 197 | |
after dark activity | 201 | |
ROAR summation | 202 | |
Volume 11: yes! yes!! yes!!! | 205 | |
continual stimulation | 205 | |
continual improvement | 205 | |
continual savvy and nous | 206 | |
continual performance | 209 | |
after dark activity | 211 | |
ROAR summation | 212 | |
Volume 12: XXX rated – tomorrow’s lawyer | 215 | |
yes! yes!! yes!!! | 215 | |
XXX rated | 218 | |
after dark activity | 225 | |
ROAR summation | 225 | |
afterword | 229 | |
what’s next pussycat? | 229 | |
get in touch | 229 | |
get naked | 230 | |
glossary | 231 | |
inspiration | 233 |
"the naked lawyer is not for the timid. It is for the BOLD. It is for the SAVVY. It is for the OPPORTUNIST. Right from the start you are confronted by the bare naked truth - for those who get itA" you will not read this once. It will be well worn because it will be a constant reference for you." - Dr Richard Norris, self leadership, performance & legacy coach, MBA, author of 'Hoof it! 7 Key Lessons on Your Journey of Success.' Your approach to 'developing and marketing' business for law firms is such a breath of fresh air - especially in terms of formulating innovative ideas for firms to move forward post the Legal Services Act." - Charlotte Black, Solicitor, Travlaw LLP. "the naked lawyer is a truly motivational marketing and sales book - and with the current shake-up of legal services comes at a particularly opportune moment." - Tim Kevan, Barrister (non-practising), Guardian law blogger, author of 'Law and Disorder' and co-author of 'Why Lawyers Should Surf.' "This well written and important work will change our lives for the better, it has already improved and touched mine." - David Gabor, Attorney at Law, New York.' "I'd highly recommend this book to any lawyer who is serious about thriving in the new connected world." - Steve Kuncewicz, Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Lawyer, author of 'Legal Issues of Web 2.0 and Social Media.' "I'm just going to say that the author of a book about sales and marketing which compels you to read it as strongly as the naked lawyer does clearly knows a thing or two about rainmaking." - Peter Groves, IP Lawyer (30 years experience), author of 'A Dictionary of Intellectual Property."
Hi! Welcome to the naked lawyer. I'm Chrissie Lightfoot, an entrepreneur turned solicitor(non-practising) turned entrepreneur and CEO of EntrepreneurLawyer Limited. I am absolutely delighted to be your host and to have this opportunity to entertain you whilst sharing with you a new approach to 'how to get more clients, sales, referrals, income, value, growth and success'. Whether you are a lawyer or not, if you have had dealings with the legal profession, or if you simply wish to try some refreshingly new ways of marketing, branding and selling yourself with a view to achieving more choice, change and control in your career and life, then the naked lawyer is an absolute must read for YOU! The lady doth protest too much, methinks? A bit of background I'm a lawyer (2009 newly qualified solicitor) and an entrepreneur. I'm also: * Designated blogger for the Law Society Gazette 'In Business' blog (regular contributor to the Law Society Gazette's management section - UK); * Mentor for The Prince's Trust 'Million Makers Corporate Challenge' (UK Yorkshire region); * Women's enterprise ambassador (UK); * Past vice-chairman of the Federation of Small Businesses (Teesside Branch - UK); * A national award and prize winning researcher (UK); * A company prize winner; * Contributor to the book Big Rocks: Balancing Life & Work; * An innovator, rainmaker and sales legal coach; and * A woman on a mission dedicated to innovation in legal services provision and advising to benefit both lawyers and entrepreneurs. Feel free to check out my track-record and profile by Googling me or checking out my profile on LinkedIn; I'd welcome the opportunity to connect with you: http://linkedin.com/in/chrissielightfoot.