Shareholders' Rights and Obligations
A Global Guide
Published: 2017
Pages: 779
eBook: 9781787420960
It provides guidance to shareholders, directors, supervisory directors, general counsel and their attorneys to promote a better understanding of the rights, but also the obligations, of shareholders. Besides, this guide provides all those concerned with practical information on the relevant dispute resolution systems.
Questions that arise in these and similar situations are, amongst others: how can the management board of the company block what it deems destructive action by shareholders, but also: what can shareholders do in the event that the value of their shares decreases as a result of actions by management or third parties? As a result there are many relationships concerning companies in which shareholders play a role. The role of a shareholder may depend on the type of company, but also on the type of shareholder (activist vs. long term investor), the type of shares, and the articles of incorporation and shareholders agreements.
This practical handbook provides an overview of these and other relevant legal issues concerning shareholders in some 25 of the most important business nations around the globe. It provides guidance to shareholders, directors, supervisory directors, general counsel and their attorneys to promote a better understanding of the rights, but also the obligations, of shareholders. Besides, this guide provides all those concerned with practical information on the relevant dispute resolution systems.
Table of Contents
Cover | 1 | |
Title | 2 | |
Copyright | 3 | |
Table of contents | 4 | |
Introduction | 6 | |
Argentina Tomás M Araya Iván Bovio Marenco M&M Bomchil | 8 | |
Australia Ian Walker WARD Lawyers | 38 | |
Austria Arno Brauneis Philipp Gamauf bkp Rechtsanwälte GmbH | 82 | |
Belgium Charles-Antoine della Faille Yves Lenders Lydian | 104 | |
Brazil Thomas Benes Felsberg Maria da Graça de Brito Vianna Pedretti Marcus Alexandre Matteucci Gomes Fabiana Bruno Solano Pereira Paulo Fernando Campana Filho Felsberg Advogados | 156 | |
Canada Matti Lemmens Borden Ladner Gervais LLP | 172 | |
China Rogier van Bijnen R&P China Lawyers | 190 | |
Czech Republic Ernst Giese Jaroslava Trojanová Giese & Partner | 214 | |
Denmark Carsten Ceutz Morten Krogsgaard Bech-Bruun | 240 | |
Finland Oona Fromholdt Mentula & Väätäinen Attorneys Ltd Pekka Jaatinen Ilari Mustonen Castrén & Snellman Attorneys Ltd | 268 | |
France Amélie Dorst Anja Droege Gagnier BMH Avocats | 286 | |
Germany Peter Fissenewert Buse Heberer Fromm | 312 | |
Hungary Sándor Németh Adrienn Tar Szecskay Attorneys at Law | 338 | |
Ireland Frank Flanagan Nicholas Metcalfe Mason Hayes & Curran | 364 | |
Italy Flavio Acerbi 5Lex Silvio Cavallo Pillarstone Giulio Gomitoni 5Lex Paolo Manganelli Ashurst Cosimo Pennetta RCC Lex Ltd | 398 | |
Japan Naoya Ariyoshi Makoto Shimizu Shingo Yamada Nishimura & Asahi | 436 | |
Luxembourg Chan Park Philippe Thiebaud MOLITOR Avocats à la Cour | 456 | |
Netherlands Marcel Willems Fieldfisher NV | 492 | |
Norway Thomas Fjell Johan Christian Kongsli Grette | 538 | |
Portugal Miguel de Avillez Pereira Susana Morgado Carlos Soares Gómez-Acebo & Pombo | 564 | |
Slovakia Slavomír Cˇauder Zuzana Francúzová Giese & Partner | 600 | |
Spain María Luisa de Alarcón Nuria Clemente JAUSAS | 632 | |
Sweden Jesper Grünbaum Johan Strömbäck Setterwalls | 658 | |
Switzerland Benedict F Christ David Jenny Reto Marghitola Vischer AG | 678 | |
United Kingdom Christine Phillips Fieldfisher LLP | 694 | |
United States J Travis Laster Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware John L Reed Henry duPont Ridgely DLA Piper LLP (US) | 722 | |
About the authors | 766 |
Tomás M Araya
Iván Bovio Marenco
M&M Bomchil
Ian Walker
WARD Lawyers
Arno Brauneis
Philipp Gamauf
bkp Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Charles-Antoine della Faille
Yves Lenders
Thomas Benes Felsberg
Maria da Graça de Brito Vianna Pedretti
Marcus Alexandre Matteucci Gomes
Fabiana Bruno Solano Pereira
Paulo Fernando Campana Filho
Felsberg Advogados
Matti Lemmens
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Rogier van Bijnen
R&P China Lawyers
Czech Republic
Ernst Giese
Jaroslava Trojanová
Giese & Partner
Carsten Ceutz
Morten Krogsgaard
Oona Fromholdt
Mentula & Väätäinen Attorneys Ltd
Pekka Jaatinen
Ilari Mustonen
Castrén & Snellman Attorneys Ltd
Amélie Dorst
Anja Droege Gagnier
BMH Avocats
Peter Fissenewert
Buse Heberer Fromm
Sándor Németh
Adrienn Tar
Szecskay Attorneys at Law
Frank Flanagan
Nicholas Metcalfe
Mason Hayes & Curran
Flavio Acerbi
Silvio Cavallo
Giulio Gomitoni
Paolo Manganelli
Cosimo Pennetta
RCC Lex Ltd
Naoya Ariyoshi
Makoto Shimizu
Shingo Yamada
Nishimura & Asahi
Chan Park
Philippe Thiebaud
MOLITOR Avocats à la Cour
Marcel Willems
Fieldfisher NV
Thomas Fjell
Johan Christian Kongsli
Miguel de Avillez Pereira
Susana Morgado
Carlos Soares
Gómez-Acebo & Pombo
Slavomir Cˇauder
Zuzana Francúzová
Giese & Partner
María Luisa de Alarcón
Nuria Clemente
Jesper Grünbaum
Johan Strömbäck
Benedict F Christ
David Jenny
Reto Marghitola
Vischer AG
United Kingdom
Christine Phillips
Fieldfisher LLP
United States
J Travis Laster
Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware
John L Reed
Henry duPont Ridgely
DLA Piper LLP (US)