Legal Operations in the Age of AI and Data
Olga Mack, Humira Noorestani, Memme Onwudiwe
Published: 2024
Pages: 400
eBook: 9781837230112
Combining both theory and practice from industry leaders, insight is provided from legal tech, in-house legal departments, law firms, and academia. Legal Operations in the Age of AI and Data is your guide to navigating the fast-evolving landscape of AI in the legal field with step-by-step practical guides on how to do so.
The book has been curated and penned by luminaries from the world of legal tech and each chapter provides practical insights, tips, and frameworks that build upon the 12 core areas of the Corporate Legal Operations Consortium (CLOC), all with a tech-forward twist. The title gives an all-access, backstage pass to the inner workings of legal processes, now turbocharged with AI and data analytics.
How can you automate your legal department, evaluate and leverage AI tools in legal operations, and revolutionise Legal Operations with GPT? How can you utilise the function of DEI data analytics, use data to help you tell stories to juries, understand how legal knowledge management drives business forward, and turn business teams into legal tech champions?
Whether you're a seasoned legal professional or a budding tech enthusiast, this book is your compass for exploring AI's transformative impact on legal operations. It's not just about understanding the technology but being able to harness it ethically and effectively so that your legal operations - whether in-house or at the firm - are streamlined.
Combining both theory and practice from industry leaders, insight is provided from legal tech, in-house legal departments, law firms, and academia. Legal Operations in the Age of AI and Data is your guide to navigating the fast-evolving landscape of AI in the legal field with step-by-step practical guides on how to do so.
Table of Contents
Cover | Cover | |
Title | i | |
Copyright | ii | |
Contents | iii | |
About the editors | xvii | |
About the authors | xix | |
Introduction | 3 | |
The LegalOps 2.0 Framework | 5 | |
LegalOps 2.0 Framework – the ISSUe model | 6 | |
Diving deeper into the ISSUe Model | 8 | |
1. Identify | 9 | |
2. Structure | 11 | |
3. Shape | 13 | |
4. Utilize effectively | 15 | |
LegalOps 2.0 Approach to law firms and corporate legal departments | 16 | |
Applying ISSUe to the CLOC core competencies | 18 | |
Three additional focus areas of LegalOps 2.0 | 22 | |
Our mission | 23 | |
Part One: Technology | 27 | |
Introduction | 29 | |
Chapter 1: Automation in legal departments | 33 | |
Introduction | 33 | |
Automating administrative functions | 35 | |
Automation of legal research tasks | 38 | |
Automation of document drafting | 39 | |
Automation of e-discovery tasks | 40 | |
Automated e-discovery processes | 40 | |
Automation of reporting | 43 | |
Challenges and risks of automated systems | 45 | |
Conclusion | 47 | |
Chapter 2: Revolutionizing legal operations with GPT – the power of AI in the legal industry | 49 | |
Automation in legal operations | 49 | |
Getting rid of “legal jargon” | 50 | |
Enhanced research capabilities | 50 | |
More accurate decision-making | 51 | |
Increased accessibility | 51 | |
Generative AI and the future of legal operations | 51 | |
Will Gen AI replace humans? | 52 | |
Legal operations and Gen AI – the future is bright | 52 | |
Chapter 3: Leveraging AI and data in financial management for legal operations leaders | 55 | |
Introduction | 55 | |
Utilizing e-billing tools for enhanced invoice management | 56 | |
Contracts as data – a paradigm shift in financial management | 57 | |
Chapter 4: The Sherlock Holmes of legal operations – using business intelligence for law firm efficiency | 61 | |
Business intelligence – the skill of extracting value from complexity | 61 | |
Unlocking the power of resource allocation | 62 | |
The ally of efficiency – achieving more with less | 63 | |
A radar that helps you detect and respond to risks and opportunities | 63 | |
Transforming operations from reactive to proactive | 64 | |
Business intelligence for intelligent business – dial P for Profitability! | 65 | |
Keep your friends close, your competitors closer | 65 | |
The powerful AI-BI combination – a match made in heaven? | 66 | |
Conclusion | 67 | |
Chapter 5: AI and privacy – balancing technological potential and protection of personal data | 69 | |
Safeguarding | 72 | |
Compatibility | 73 | |
Use it wisely | 74 | |
Consider liabilities | 75 | |
Next steps | 75 | |
Chapter 6: The Brazilian Supreme Court’s AI-driven journey to a 100 percent digital judiciary system | 77 | |
Introduction | 77 | |
The use of artificial intelligence in the Brazilian justice system | 78 | |
Incorporating artifical intelligence in the courts | 80 | |
Artificial intelligence and Brazilian law firms | 84 | |
Final considerations | 86 | |
Chapter 7: Technical debt – the hidden cost of law firms’ digital transformation journey | 89 | |
The concept of technical debt | 89 | |
Law firm applicability | 89 | |
Procrastination | 90 | |
Metrics for measuring technical debt | 92 | |
Strategies for managing technical debt | 92 | |
Conclusion | 92 | |
Chapter 8: Powered by AI – shaping tomorrow’s workforce | 95 | |
AI uses for employers | 95 | |
Potential concerns and responsible implementation | 99 | |
Equipping the workforce for a future with AI | 100 | |
Chapter 9: Using AI and data to support vendor management | 109 | |
Collecting and centralizing a single source of truth vendor agreements | 109 | |
Leveraging AI software tools and resultant data to reduce costs | 110 | |
Negotiate better and faster with vendors moving forward | 111 | |
Conclusion | 112 | |
Chapter 10: Understanding the relationship between legal operations and legal technology | 113 | |
Technological integration and automation | 113 | |
Standardization of legal processes | 114 | |
Data-driven decision-making | 114 | |
Enhancing collaboration and communication | 115 | |
Defining legal operations and legal technology | 115 | |
Enhancing process improvement | 115 | |
Boosting legal research | 116 | |
Enhancing data and matter management | 116 | |
Optimizing e-discovery | 117 | |
Strengthening contract management | 117 | |
Chapter 11: One general counsel, two federal investigations, and an absence of legal technology | 119 | |
The story | 119 | |
The plot twist | 120 | |
How the story could have gone | 121 | |
The lesson | 123 | |
Chapter 12: How legal operations teams should evaluate AI solutions | 125 | |
Evaluating AI powered tools | 126 | |
Steps to evaluate AI and make sure it’s not “two eyes” | 126 | |
Why is this important? | 127 | |
Conclusion | 128 | |
Chapter 13: Unlocking the power of KPIs – a guide for law firms | 129 | |
What are KPIs? | 129 | |
Why should a law firm use KPIs? | 130 | |
What are possible drawbacks to utilizing KPIs? | 131 | |
What are important KPIs to measure? | 132 | |
What is the process for utilizing KPIs in the law firm? | 133 | |
Conclusion | 134 | |
Chapter 14: The importance of metrics in legal operations | 135 | |
Introduction | 135 | |
Matter management and internal workload metrics | 135 | |
External counsel evaluation metrics | 136 | |
Metrics around litigation avoidance | 137 | |
Turnaround time | 138 | |
Conclusion | 139 | |
Part Two: Process | 141 | |
Introduction | 143 | |
Chapter 1: LegalOps 2.0 and the CLOC Core 12 – the “Identify” stage through integrating clients into legal teams | 145 | |
Part Three: People | 257 | |
Introduction | 259 | |
Communication | 260 | |
Innovation | 260 | |
Education | 260 | |
Inclusion | 260 | |
Chapter 1: How legal turns business teams into LegalTech champions | 263 | |
My journey to LegalTech implementation | 263 | |
An impactful win that’s not impossible | 263 | |
Sourcing potential vendors | 264 | |
Evaluating as a team | 264 | |
Selecting the LegalTech provider | 265 | |
Planning implementation | 265 | |
Testing the work | 266 | |
Launching Version 1 | 266 | |
Refining (forever) | 267 | |
Conclusion | 267 | |
Chapter 2: The modern legal department – cultivating an AI-ready mindset | 269 | |
The importance of an AI-ready mindset | 269 | |
Understanding AI’s (current) capabilities and limitations | 270 | |
Embracing the unknown and fostering a culture of innovation | 270 | |
Learning from failure | 271 | |
Enhancing efficiency | 271 | |
Banishing burnout and achieving work–life balance with AI-driven solutions | 273 | |
Automating routine tasks | 274 | |
Improving time management and prioritization | 274 | |
Enabling flexible working arrangements | 274 | |
Fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation | 274 | |
Conclusion | 274 | |
Chapter 3: The vital role of the legal operations function in utilizing DEI data analytics | 277 | |
The legal diversity challenges | 278 | |
Diversity beyond race and gender | 279 | |
Understanding employee sentiment through data analytics | 281 | |
Breaking barriers – gender pay equity and promotions data | 282 | |
Leveraging data analytics for job applications, vendor contracts, and exit interviews | 283 | |
Data-driven monitoring – job applications, supplier bids, and hiring processes | 285 | |
Legal operations’ impact on contract language inclusivity | 287 | |
Mitigating litigation risks with DEI data analytics | 287 | |
From data to action – leveraging DEI insights to make meaningful change | 288 | |
Chapter 4: Ten questions a legal team should ask itself if it is serious about diversity, equity, and inclusion | 291 | |
QUESTION 1: Where does responsibility for DEI lie within the organization? | 292 | |
QUESTION 2: What do we do to demonstrate our commitment to DEI internally? | 292 | |
QUESTION 3: What can we learn by examining the similarities and/or differences between team members, including new hires? | 293 | |
QUESTION 4: Who does our culture support and who does it disadvantage? | 295 | |
QUESTION 5: Do our actions demonstrate that we take accountability seriously across our organization? | 295 | |
QUESTION 6: How psychologically safe do people feel within the team? | 296 | |
QUESTION 7: How do we ensure we hear everyone’s voice and opinions? | 297 | |
QUESTION 8: What criteria do we use for assessing talent and progression? | 298 | |
QUESTION 9: Are there any patterns in our employeeturnover data that indicate more can be done to support our people? | 298 | |
QUESTION 10: What actions do we take to support DEI within the legal profession and society as a whole? | 299 | |
Chapter 5: Practical tips to create inclusive legal teams | 301 | |
What is inclusion? | 301 | |
Benefits to inclusion | 302 | |
Strategies to foster inclusive practices | 303 | |
Summary | 305 | |
Chapter 6: From dinosaur to data(connoi)sseur – how to harness data to achieve favorable litigation outcomes | 307 | |
History | 307 | |
Changing times | 307 | |
A new direction | 308 | |
Conclusion | 310 | |
Chapter 7: Dance of the data dragons – e-discovery for legal operators | 311 | |
What is e-discovery and why should legal operations professionals care? | 311 | |
The dancers | 312 | |
Vanquishing e-discovery foes | 312 | |
Data sources more and varied than the seven kingdoms | 312 | |
The dual-headed dragon of privacy and data security | 313 | |
More costly than a loan from the Iron Bank | 313 | |
Legal operators – an e-discovery knight in shining armor | 313 | |
Forging powerful alliances | 313 | |
Becoming an e-discovery maester for your company | 314 | |
E-discovery as legal operations’ moment in the sun | 314 | |
Winter is coming – be prepared | 315 | |
Chapter 8: Legal party of one | 317 | |
Be a friend | 317 | |
Draw the line | 318 | |
Chapter 9: A learning curve – the training, development, and education of legal technology and legal operations | 321 | |
Why do lawyers learn, and why does what lawyers learn matter? | 321 | |
How do lawyers learn? | 322 | |
How and what will lawyers learn? | 324 | |
Practical steps to improve legal education | 325 | |
What’s next for legal education? | 326 | |
Chapter 10: The importance of simple, easy, and effective communications in legal operations | 329 | |
Clear communications are the keys to success | 329 | |
SEE communications can help legal operations teams | 329 | |
SEE communications can be a useful guide for legal operations teams | 332 | |
Chapter 11: Why lawyers should not be doing your project management | 333 | |
A lawyer’s biggest asset is in his/her lawyering | 333 | |
Lawyers are not trained in project management | 334 | |
Most legal operations projects do not need a lawyer | 335 | |
Most legal departments have too many lawyers | 336 | |
Most legal departments have too few legal operations professionals | 336 | |
Conclusion | 337 | |
Chapter 12: Unlocking your legal team’s potential – the role of legal operations in training and development | 339 | |
Resources for new hires | 339 | |
Existing employees | 340 | |
Attracting new talent | 341 | |
People, process, and technology | 342 | |
Chapter 13: Leveraging your personal brand online to match your reputation offline | 343 | |
How do you build that brand – your digital twin? | 343 | |
Personal branding defined | 344 | |
Self-discovery and assessment | 344 | |
Defining your niche and target audience | 345 | |
Crafting your consistent and compelling online profile and presence | 346 | |
Networking and building relationships | 347 | |
Conclusion | 348 | |
Chapter 14: The power of authenticity in law | 349 | |
What is authenticity? | 351 | |
How can we become more authentic in our everyday working life? | 351 | |
Chapter 15: Asynchronous communication and AI – a powerful duo to supercharge performance | 355 | |
Understanding asynchronous and synchronous communication | 356 | |
Superpower legal operations with asynchronous communication and AI | 358 | |
Practical steps and best practices | 362 | |
About Globe Law and Business | 367 | |
Back Cover | 369 |
About the editors
Olga V. Mack
Olga V. Mack is an accomplished entrepreneur, executive, and attorney dedicated to harnessing transformative technologies for positive change in law. Serving as a lecturer at Berkeley Law, fellow at CodeX, The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics, and Generative AI editor at law.MIT Computational Law Report, Olga is a strong advocate for the integration of innovative technologies that enhance functionality and accessibility. With a proven track record as an award-winning general counsel, CEO, and tech start-up advisor, Olga encourages the adoption of cutting-edge technologies to drive progress and efficiency. As a seasoned TEDx presenter, Olga leverages her unique blend of expertise in technology and business to inspire and educate audiences. Recognized as a top speaker and thought leader, she shares her insights through various platforms, including Forbes, Bloomberg Law, law.MIT Computational Law Report, Newsweek, Venture Beat, law.com, Above the Law, and ACC Docket. Her accomplishments include being honored with prestigious awards such as Silicon Valley Women of Influence, ABA Women in Legal Tech, Make Your Mark, Corporate Counsel of the Year, and Women Leaders in Technology Law.
Humira Noorestani
Humira Noorestani has cultivated a diverse legal career, predominantly in the in-house sector, spanning various industries and across borders, such as construction, renewables, retail, and technology. As the visionary founder of DigiCounsel, she spearheads a pioneering platform that equips lawyers worldwide with practical legal skills with a special focus on technology. In parallel, she manages a thriving law firm practice that specializes in corporate and immigration matters. Notably, Humira has earned accolades including a Human Rights Award from the Pennsylvania Bar Association, a prestigious Human Rights Fellowship from the University of Pennsylvania Carey School of Law, a recognition from the College of William and Mary Law for her social justice work, and a Congressional Recognition for her remarkable contributions to the legal field and women’s empowerment. Humira publishes and speaks on panels about AI and data privacy. Humira is also a fellow at the American Council on Women Peace and Security.
MbaMemme Onwudiwe
MbaMemme Onwudiwe is executive vice president, legal and business intelligence, and part of the founding team of the legal AI company EvisortEvisort. He helped build Evisort from the Harvard Innovation Lab as a JD student at Harvard Law School (HLS) alongside other HLS students and MIT data scientists in 2017. Memme also founded/chaired Harvard’s Legal Technology Symposium as a student and currently lectures the course “Start-up Entrepreneurship and Innovations in Legal Technology” at Harvard Law School. He now serves on the Advisory board of Innovation Law Club Africa and is an advisor for System.Legal. Memme is also a Space Law expert. His 2021 article “Africa and the Artemis Accords: A Review of Space Regulations and Strategy for African Capacity Building in the New Space Economy” was published in the peer-reviewed Journal on Space Entrepreneurship and Innovation. He has spoken on panels for the National Space Society’s International Space Development Conference, as well as the Summer Workshop on Teaching Space (SWOTS) at the US Military’s Air Command and Staff College, and also serves on the advisory board of the Space Beach Law Lab (SBLL).
About the authors
Chad Aboud
Chad Aboud is a coach, advisor, and speaker. His mission is to help everyone he can uncover their natural gifts, so they are more successful and fulfilled in their career. Chad has shared his message and tools with individuals and organizations around the world, including Google and on the TEDx stage. He also hosts the “What You’re About” podcast where he interviews inspiring leaders and entrepreneurs who share insights and tips about how to uncover your natural gifts. Chad is a former general counsel of an international portfolio of technology companies where he implemented a CLM to integrate and streamline the contracting process for multiple operating companies. He began his career in a national law firm in Canada where his practice focused on public company financings and mergers and acquisitions.
Sara Ajmi
Sara Ajmi, a legal operations expert based in Canada, brings over five years of in-house practice experience from Morocco to her current role. Passionate about the business aspects of in-house legal, she focuses on understanding and enhancing the structure, management, and operation of legal departments. Beyond her legal operations responsibilities, Sara is dedicated to simplifying access to the legal operations field. She actively creates LinkedIn content, facilitating a seamless transition for others entering the industry.
Amine Anoun
Amine Anoun is chief technology officer at Evisort, and is based in San Francisco. Prior to Evisort, Anoun served as a data scientist at Uber. Anoun is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and CentraleSupélec, where he holds masters degrees in operations research and in applied mathematics. He was a member of the Forbes 30 Under 30 list in 2019, and was also recognized as one of the Top 100 MIT Alumni in Technology in 2021.
Hannah Beko
Hannah Beko is a commercial property lawyer and founder of the coaching and training consultancy Authentically Speaking, which supports lawyers with personal and professional skills development. Hannah is a podcast host, a keynote speaker on mental health/wellbeing and the power of authenticity in the legal profession, and is also head of mission at Legal Studio Solicitors where she looks after recruitment, training, and development alongside her co-directors.
Shari Belitz
Shari Belitz is a nationally recognized litigation consultant, keynote speaker, bestselling author, and chief executive officer of Shari Belitz Communications, LLC, certified by the National Women’s Business Enterprise National Counsel (WBENC). She is also the founder of the educational subscription course, EnPSYCHLAWpedia®. Shari earned her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, a Juris Doctor, and studied toward a Master of Arts degree in Forensic Psychology, with a concentration in jury research and science. Shari also earned a certificate in Behavioral Economics and Decision Science from Harvard University. Shari conducts mock trials, prepares witnesses for depositions and trials, writes theme development reports for mediation and trial, and performs jury selection and other customized trial services. Shari is an attorney with over 20 years of experience in the legal profession. Prior to her litigation consulting career, she was an accomplished insurance coverage attorney at a law firm and litigation manager in-house at an insurance company where she handled complex mass tort lawsuits for Fortune 500 insured clients.
Nipun K. Bhatiaa
Nipun K. Bhatiaa is chief executive officer of Legal League Consulting, India’s first management consulting company for the global legal industry. A qualified lawyer, a chartered accountant, a SIMI accredited mediator, and a certified life coach, Nipun has been a pioneer in the area of law firm management. He has assisted leading firms in India and UAE, advising them on partnership structuring, operational aspects of running a successful law firm, strategy/business planning, compensation modelling, conflict resolution, and market positioning. With 15 years of work experience, Nipun acts as a strategic advisor to several managing partners, partners, and individual legal practitioners, guiding them towards venturing into upcoming and niche practice areas, professionalization of business support functions, and bringing automation into management solutions.
Fatima M. Bolyea
Fatima M. Bolyea is an attorney with Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP in Southfield, Michigan, where she practices complex commercial litigation. In her practice, Fatima represents a wide range of business clientele, with a focus on small businesses, close corporations, family-owned companies, and their owners. She counsels businesses on a range of issues including contentious employment disputes, theft of intellectual property and trade secrets, breach of non-competition and non-solicitation agreements, and shareholder/member disputes. Fatima is a past chair of the Litigation Section of the State Bar of Michigan and is a member of the State Bar’s Representative Assembly (the State Bar’s policy making body). She serves as treasurer for the Michigan Center for Civic Education. She also serves on the mentorship committee of the Arab American Women’s Business Council. Fatima has been named an Up-and- Coming Lawyer by Michigan Lawyers Weekly and is perennially recognized by Michigan Super Lawyers as a rising star in business litigation. In 2022, Fatima was named an Influential Woman of the Law by Michigan Lawyers Weekly.
Harry Borovick
Harry Borovick is a leading general counsel with experience scaling legal teams in the AI, LegalTech, gaming, and data analytics sectors. Harry currently oversees the global legal and governance functions of Luminance, a leading AI-driven LegalTech. He also works alongside product and technical teams to advise on development and user experience. Having trained at Mishcon de Reya, Harry then worked in a range of regulated technology businesses. He has become a leading voice of in-house lawyers in cross-border data privacy and regulatory governance, including AI governance, focusing on pragmatic commercial strategies. Harry has lectured at various universities and for numerous professional education providers including Queen Mary University London, The University of Law (Bloomsbury), and BARBRI. He also advises the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators’ Technology Group and is a regular conference speaker on the subject of practical technological implementation for legal and governance professionals, as well as the future of legal education.
Kassi Burns
Kassi Burns is a senior attorney at King & Spalding, LLP, based in Texas. Kassi holds a law degree from Tulane Law School, attended the University of Canterbury in New Zealand as a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar, is a member of the Texas and Arkansas bars, and has multiple legal tech-related certifications. As an attorney with over ten years of experience working with AI and machine learning in litigation, Kassi’s career has been motivated by always being curious and following technology innovations. In addition to a growing collection of publications on topics related to AI, Kassi is actively engaged in thought leadership through her two podcasts, Kassi & ... and Bui & Burns Take Five, both centered on the impact of disruptive tech to our professional and personal lives. Kassi is an executive board member of the Academy of Court-Appointed Neutrals and Women in Cybersecurity Policy and Law Affiliate, and a recently appointed member of Relativity’s Attorney Advisory Board. She is also an active member of various legal organizations, where she enthusiastically advocates for emerging tech awareness and education.
Cat Casey
Cat Casey is chief growth officer at Reveal Brainspace, helping lead innovation for legal technology solutions, and a zealous advocate for AI in legal. She is a thought leader and outspoken advocate of legal professionals embracing technology to deliver better legal outcomes. She has two decades of experience assisting clients with complex eDiscovery and forensic needs that arise from litigation, expansive regulation, and complex contractual relationships. Cat is a published author, keynote speaker, podcaster, and all-around advocate for upskilling legal professionals facing the dawn of an AI renaissance in law.
Elina Cohen
Elina Cohen is a legal business leader with extensive experience in privacy, financial services, Fintech, healthcare and machine learning/artificial intelligence. Elina serves as general counsel, and has spent the majority of her career in-house within technology oriented organizations. A true generalist, with a deep focus on privacy, intellectual property, licensing, and global commercial law, she has previously led dedicated commercial legal teams for global organizations and has also served as privacy officer in a Healthtech organization. Her favorite part in any role is navigating complex legal issues, assisting product and strategy teams to solve business needs, and creating cross-functional teaching opportunities. Elina started her career in the compliance space, working at KMPG to support regulatory teams and initiatives within global banks. From there, focusing on privacy in the technology sector was a natural transition.
Daniel Cotter
Daniel Cotter is a member at Dickinson Wright PLLC in its Chicago office. Daniel has a BA in Accounting from Monmouth College, magna cum laude, and a JD from the University of Illinois Chicago School of Law. Daniel’s practice encompasses a range of roles, including a pivotal tenure as general counsel for a major life insurance company and extensive private practice experience. His clientele spans insurance firms, financial institutions, IT/consulting enterprises, and nonprofits. Since 1996, Dan has been deeply involved in privacy and cybersecurity matters, notably contributing to the formulation of terms and conditions as well as disclaimers for Fortune 500 websites in the late 1990s. His roles as a chief privacy officer across various companies and law firms underscore his depth in these evolving domains. Dan is a frequent writer and speaker on a variety of topics, including legal operations, and is a former adjunct professor.
Jeff Cunningham
Jeff Cunningham is an attorney defending lawyers and serving as outside general counsel for small to mid-sized law firms. Jeff’s practice covers a broad range of areas including professional liability, ethics, civil litigation, malpractice claims, and more. Jeff focuses on the risk management and professional ethics involved in legal operations and views the development of legal AI as powerful tools to help lawyers with better and safer practice. Jeff is a selfdescribed “reluctant social media thought leader”, sharing his thoughts on legal ethics to over 26,000 followers and authoring a popular weekly newsletter and daily blog. His commitment to education is evident in his frequent presentations on law firm risk management and ethics.
Tom Dunlop
Tom Dunlop is the founder and CEO of Summize. Initially starting out as a contract summary solution to instantly extract key metadata from documents, Summize’s capabilities soon expanded to span the end-to-end contract life cycle, receiving rave reviews from clients due to its intuitive user experience and innovative features. As an accomplished commercial and technology lawyer, Tom’s experience with reviewing contracts was the catalyst that led to Summize. Prior to this, he worked as a global legal director for several fast-growth technology companies.
Tara Emory
Tara Emory is senior vice president of legal AI strategy and general counsel at Redgrave Data. She is an experienced legal technology consultant and lawyer, with a focus on guiding legal teams on efficient and compliant uses of artificial intelligence. Her expertise bridges the areas of law, data compliance, and technical aspects of data and software. Her work includes consulting on legal AI applications, e-discovery and information governance, and serving as an expert witness and court-appointed neutral on discovery issues. Tara is Chambers ranked Band 1 for litigation support, serves in leadership roles in The Sedona Conference and other industry groups, and admitted to practice in DC, NY, and VA.
Caroline Francescato
Caroline Francescato is a Brazilian lawyer and entrepreneur and the founder of LinkLei, a LegalTech platform with over 23,000 users. As a law, technology, and innovation professor, she has shared insights at over 50 institutions across Brazil, emphasizing the integration of technology in the legal field. Caroline’s influence extends to curating and spearheading events like the Legal Innovation Experience, drawing around 500 attendees for profound discussions on the future of law. Her mentoring experience includes guiding start-ups in the Founder Institute program, Porto Alegre chapter. With a legal background and a passion for tech-driven legal solutions, Caroline stands at the forefront of reshaping the legal landscape.
Stephanie Goutos
Stephanie Goutos is a practice innovation attorney at Gunderson Dettmer, where she leads the strategic innovation and knowledge management initiatives for the firm’s employment and labor practice. Her accolades include successfully defending multi-state class actions and leading the implementation of legal technology solutions that have revolutionized firm-wide processes. With her background in class action defense, litigation, and employment counseling, Stephanie bridges her traditional legal expertise with an unyielding passion for forward-thinking innovation strategies. In doing so, she offers a uniquely holistic approach to problem-solving, providing exceptional value to stakeholders. Stephanie is passionate about driving transformative change and achieving tangible outcomes, with a strong focus on fostering innovation across organizations. Her passion extends to enhancing access to justice and promoting inclusivity within the legal sector. She is dedicated to mentoring women and encouraging their active involvement in legal technology, aiming to create a more diverse and equitable industry.
Robert Hanna
Robert Hanna, founder and managing director of KC Partners, is a leading figure in global legal talent solutions and content creation. He’s renowned for guiding legal professionals in achieving their career aspirations across various international regions. As a prominent legal recruiter, Rob is recognized as a LinkedIn Top Voice and is influential in shaping digital recruitment strategies. Robert hosts the critically acclaimed “Legally Speaking” podcast, powered by legal tech pioneer Clio, ranking in the top one percent of global podcasts and integrating innovative Web3 technologies. Rob’s entrepreneurial expertise extends beyond podcasting – he advises recruitment and LegalTech start-ups and contributes to bestselling legal texts. Additionally, he is a sought-after speaker. A passionate advocate for mental health, diversity, and inclusion, Rob actively collaborates with high-profile legal organizations such as The Law Society of England and Wales and the Society of Asian Lawyers, as well as non-profits like NRG Lawyers. He supports initiatives that bridge the metaverse and the mainstream. Proudly continuing his grandfather’s legacy in law, Rob combines professional excellence with a commitment to building a kinder, more collaborative community.
Viveca Hess
Viveca Hess helps time-starved lawyers and law firms to build and strategically position what makes them unique into their online presence to connect with qualified clients and high-quality referral networks. She is the founder of HessConnect, which specializes in strategic online content marketing and management, connecting people online to create business offline by creating, sharing, and humanizing business stories for meaningful results.
Suzi Hixon
Suzi Hixon, a distinguished trademark attorney, brings over two decades of intellectual property expertise to the legal field. Her career, marked by managing trademark portfolios for both Fortune 100 corporations and dynamic start-ups, showcases her versatility and depth of knowledge. Suzi’s passion extends beyond traditional practice – she is a celebrated educator in legal complexities, making her a sought-after figure in various media outlets like Legally Speaking, Lawyer Stories, LawHer, and several notable podcasts including AM/PM Podcast, Private Label University, Jungle Scout, and Web Retailer. Her exceptional ability to simplify intricate legal matters has earned her widespread acclaim from clients and peers. Suzi’s entrepreneurial drive is a testament to her innovative spirit, constantly seeking new methodologies to tackle complex legal challenges. Her commitment to excellence and relentless work ethic are not just the hallmarks of her professional journey, but also an inspiration to those in the legal community.
Amr Jayousi
Amr Jayousi advises banks and commercial lenders on a broad range of debt-financing corporate transactions. He handles a wide range of financing models and structures, including secured and unsecured lending, syndicated and bilateral loans, and bridge and mezzanine financings, and is experienced in debt transactions in various contexts including acquisition finance, project finance, and cross-border and highly leveraged lending transactions.
Laura Jeffords Greenberg
Laura Jeffords Greenberg is an in-house legal executive who has carved a niche advising disruptive companies and scaling international legal teams with innovative technologies. With over 14 years’ experience, she’s been at the forefront of emerging technologies and legal change, guiding teams at a variety of companies from start-ups to globally recognized brands such as Red Bull and Unity Technologies in the tech, media, and sports industries. She believes in leveraging generative AI to shape the future of legal services, making her a key player in legal tech innovation. Laura is a seasoned keynote speaker and author of the “Chatting Contracts with GPT” column for Contract Nerds. Her expertise in transforming complex legal challenges into streamlined solutions has established her as a leader in driving technological advancement in the legal sector. Laura is a California-licensed attorney who has honed her expertise in Los Angeles, New York, and Salzburg, and currently resides with her family in Copenhagen. With an eye on the horizon, she continues innovating at the intersection of law and cutting-edge technology.
Jeffery A. Kruse
Jeffery A. Kruse is the founder of Key Legal Operations Consulting LLC (KLOC). Jeff helps legal teams operate more efficiently through change management, process improvements, automation, and technology solutions to allow them to do what they do best. Prior to founding KLOC, Jeff was a partner at two respected law firms in Kansas City and spent nearly ten years in various in-house counsel roles at Boston Scientific Corporation. While at Boston Scientific, Jeff was a chief litigation officer and supervised 13 legal professionals responsible for legal operations continuous improvement projects, managing litigation, and handling e-discovery.
Monika Kwiatkowska
Monika Kwiatkowska (PhD, CIPP/E) is a senior commercial counsel at Zscaler, Inc, based in London. She holds a PhD in Law from University of Nice Sophia Antipolis in France and is currently undergoing solicitor qualification in the UK. Monika has experience working across multiple jurisdictions, with primary focus on privacy, new technologies, and intellectual property. As part of several in-house legal teams, she has gained expertise in advising on legal aspects of various types of commercial transactions. She has a record of successful negotiation of commercial contracts ranging from software/SaaS licensing to data protection, professional services, and distribution agreements. Originally from Warsaw, Monika lived for several years in southern France before moving to the UK almost a decade ago.
Colin S. Levy
Colin S. Levy is an accomplished author and editor in the legal technology space. At Malbek, a leading CLM company, Colin serves as director of legal and evangelist, playing a lead role developing legal tech. He contributed to the first-ever guide to effective legal document drafting using Word. Colin is known for conversations with legal industry leaders that he shares online to educate on legal tech trends. He actively contributes his writing and speaking to the legal tech field, co-authoring articles, writing for publications, and participating in podcasts. Colin’s guidance and expertise is frequently sought, given his hands-on experience and passion for innovation. Colin aims to engage and motivate professionals shaping the future of legal tech through his writing, speaking, and advisory work.
Paul Levy
Paul Levy is a senior consultant at Jameson Legal Tech and has been in the legal space since 2008, when he joined Practical Law Company, subsequently acquired by Thomson Reuters. He has been working with innovation teams at Magic Circle, Silver Circle, and Top 200 UK law firms as well as AM Law 100 firms and other top international firms for over 16 years and has gained an understanding of the various challenges law firms have and how technology can help improve client experiences. Paul is now helping innovation teams at law firms and in-house teams to find the right people to help drive their legal tech transformation and innovation strategies.
John Lindsey
John Lindsey is a tech entrepreneur and the president of InCite LegalTech, a software solutions and consulting firm dedicated to assisting law firms with digital transformation. With a wealth of experience in starting and leading companies, John has a track record of innovation and growth within the technology and legal sectors. Under his leadership, InCite LegalTech has become a driving force in modernizing legal practices, leveraging cutting-edge technology to enhance efficiency and client service. John’s vision for InCite LegalTech is not just about implementing software solutions – it is about fostering a culture of continuous improvement and strategic foresight. His approach has cemented InCite LegalTech’s reputation as a pioneer in the legal tech space, with a focus on sustainable, long-term digital strategies that deliver results.
Wilzette Louis
Wilzette Louis is director of Client Solutions at Redgrave Data. She holds a BS from the New York Institute of Technology. She is a Certified E-Discovery Specialist (CEDS) with expertise in Relativity, where she is certified as an administrator, management specialist, and analytics specialist. Additionally, Wilzette is a Brainspace certified analyst, administrator, and specialist. Her proficiency extends to Reveal AI. She specialized in e-discovery project management and consulting for over 20 years. Wilzette has led teams on complex matters across diverse industries. Leveraging her deep expertise in analytical and review tools, she advises client teams on optimizing efficiency within strict budget and timeline constraints. She designed and implemented workflows to streamline e-discovery reviews, TAR, case management, and procedures. Wilzette actively participates in quality assurance, guiding developers to align solutions with client needs. She has successfully created seamless system integrations and dataflows supporting overall business objectives.
Navin Mahavijiyan
Navin Mahavijiyan is the “dark lord of contracts” and head of legal operations at Modernizing Medicine, a former attorney with a passion for technology and a penchant for all things geeky. Bearing a depth of knowledge in commercial contracts, drafting, negotiation and management, he has spent the last two decades dealing with contracts across the globe. Navin has led legal services teams and legal technology implementation teams. He has also personally implemented over 50 legal operations technology projects. Additionally, Navin’s experience spans working in-house, with legal technology vendors, alternative legal service providers, and as a consultant, giving him a robust and holistic view of legal operations.
Owen McGrann
Owen McGrann is the resident troublemaker at McGrannLAW LLC and Seed Counsel. Owen has dedicated a significant amount of effort to move the profession past the Jarndyce v. Jarndyce model of practice and spends his time plotting with clients and devising ways to make his law firm feel nothing like a law firm – for both his and his clients’ benefit.
Gary Miles
Gary Miles has been practicing law for more than four decades, primarily in litigation and, more recently, in family law. He was the managing member of Huesman, Jones, and Miles in Maryland for over three decades and is now of counsel to the firm. He has been a trial lawyer, managing partner, author, leader, and entrepreneur. He loves helping folks solve their problems. He is passionate about showing people how to free themselves from the prisons that entrap them. He has seen the pressures we face in the legal profession. He is dedicated to helping his clients achieve fulfilment in their practice. He provides practical tools to help his clients overcome obstacles, freeing them to enjoy the success and freedom they crave. Gary has a popular and highly rated podcast, The Free Lawyer, dedicated to helping lawyers, entrepreneurs, and professionals become the successful person they always wanted to be and achieve the success of their dreams, with two episodes every week. He loves supporting lawyers and lifting the legal profession.
Tanisha Minev
Tanisha Minev is a commercial lawyer based in Amsterdam, currently serving as legal counsel for Yoco, a South African Fintech scale-up. She holds a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree from South Africa. With eight years of experience in globally recognized institutions, she specializes in corporate law, commercial contract negotiation, and legal operations. Tanisha is dedicated to process improvement, implementing lean principles, and leveraging technology for efficient legal management. She has helped legal teams scale sustainably, by mapping standardized process flows and implementing automated solutions, with a view to increasing productivity to support crosscollaboration and reduce waste, so that in-house legal teams can better spend their time on their strategic goals in supporting their stakeholders.
Niti Nadarajah
Niti Nadarajah is a multi-award-winning coach, freelance general counsel, DEI consultant, facilitator, and speaker, who advocates for a range of issues including gender and racial equity. Through her business, Coaching by Niti, she empowers women who are feeling stuck in their careers to get unstuck by connecting them to their inner compass. With over 20 years of experience as a corporate lawyer, having worked both in-house as the head of a legal department and for major law firms in Melbourne, Sydney, and London, she also helps the legal profession create real sustainable change where DEI is concerned. Alongside her many roles as coach, consultant, mentor, and angel investor, Niti also volunteers her time with The Pink Elephants Support Network. She was recognized as a LinkedIn Top Voice (Gender Equity) in 2022 and was recently awarded Social Changemaker of the Year – Gender (Bronze) at the Stevie Awards 2023, among other accolades.
Cathy Nestrick
Cathy Nestrick is the vice president of women’s leadership and DEI at the American Bankers Association, where she provides guidance, thought leadership, and resources for the banking and financial services industry. Cathy came to ABA after she transitioned from a legal career, first as a law partner in a Midwest firm where she represented banks and other businesses, and later as the vice president and general counsel of a global manufacturing company where she also founded the first office of diversity and inclusion. She received a bachelor’s degree in economics from Hanover College, a law degree from Indiana University, and an Executive Certificate in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion from Georgetown University. Cathy co-founded the Parity Podcast focused on the equitable advancement of women. She is a frequent speaker and workshop facilitator on women’s leadership, allyship, and inclusive workplace cultures.
Flo Nicolas
Flo Nicolas is the founder and chief data and innovation strategist at Get Tech Smart, where she assists organizations in utilizing data analytics for project assessment to ensure project outcomes. Flo passionately advocates for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. Notably, she co-hosted ContractsCon Miami, a globally recognized contracts drafting and negotiating training conference, and collaborates with the legal community in New Hampshire for the 1L Diversity Internship Program. Beyond her tech and DEI prowess, Flo’s expertise is acknowledged globally. As an alumna of the LinkedIn Accelerator Program: Technology and Innovation, she created innovative tech content spotlighting diverse women in technology and legal tech worldwide. Flo’s impactful work has garnered recognition, including the NH Business Review Outstanding Women in Business 2023 award, the NH Tech Alliance Tech Professional of the Year 2023 title, and being honored as an Honoree of the American Bar Association Women of Legal Tech 2023. Adding to her list of accolades, she was named to the 2024 New Hampshire 200 list, a unique group of leaders who have left a lasting impact on the state’s economy and business climate. Her dedication extends to philanthropy, mentoring underrepresented tech and legal professionals, and hosting DEI Networking events in New Hampshire, showcasing her commitment to positive change.
Natalie Pierce
Natalie Pierce is a Gunderson Dettmer partner and chair of the employment and labor group. She focuses on the needs of emerging companies, venture capital, and growth equity firms. She also focuses on the future of work, including counseling companies on incorporation of generative artificial intelligence and other technologies. Natalie hosts Gunderson’s FutureWork Playbook podcast and was selected as a Fast Case 50 Award Winner, one of Daily Journal’s “Top Artificial Intelligence Lawyers” and “Top Labor and Employment Lawyers,” Chambers USA’s “Minority Lawyer of the Year,” American Lawyer’s “Best Mentor,” San Francisco Business Times’ “Bay Area’s Most Influential Women,” and was a member of the Governing Council of the ABA’s Center for Innovation. Natalie earned her BA at UC Berkeley with Honors and law degree from Columbia University School of Law, where she was a Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar and recipient of the Emil Schlesinger Labor Law Prize at graduation.
Adam Poeppelmeier
Adam Poeppelmeier is director of e-discovery at Redgrave Data. Adam draws from 20 years of experience managing client portfolios, large complex e-discovery projects, and providing focused business intelligence concerning alternative fee matters and the analysis of historical matters for future litigation projections. At Redgrave Data, Adam provides oversight and consulting on e-discovery services, discovery playbook design, the defensible use of TAR and other advanced technology in complex regulatory requests, investigations, and litigation, as well as advises clients on how to effectively harness AI models, enabling them to identify the most suitable use-cases. Leveraging his acumen in business intelligence, he empowers clients to leverage data for identifying and monitoring key metrics that yield valuable insights into their legal matters and technological initiatives. By doing so, Adam drives tangible cost savings and efficiency gains for his clients.
Brewster Rawls
Brewster Rawls is the founder of Rawls Law Group in Richmond, Virginia. After graduating from Wake Forest University, Brewster served as an artillery officer in the US army. He went to law school at the University of Richmond, graduating in 1984. His entire legal career has been as a trial lawyer, including trying well over 100 medical malpractice jury trials in Virginia. Since 1999, Brewster has also handled close to a thousand Federal Tort Claims Act cases nationwide relating to government healthcare providers. Brewster has been recognized by Best Lawyers, Super Lawyers, and other groups. He has multiple publications and is frequently invited to speak at conferences and CLE events. Brewster is especially well-known for his daily posts on LinkedIn addressing the practice of law and life in general.
Chitra Sahay
Chitra Sahay is an in-house lawyer deeply entrenched within Mumbai’s dynamic media and entertainment sector. With a profound understanding of the intricate nuances of intellectual property, she advocates for its strategic consolidation to seamlessly align with corporate objectives while fostering distinctive market identities. From esteemed multinational corporations to promising start-ups, she prioritizes tailored IP processes that safeguard creative endeavors, mitigate risks, and fortify strategic positions. Through collaborative dialogue and meticulous attention to detail, Chitra empowers legal operations leaders to uphold the integrity of IP assets, ensuring sustained protection and competitive advantage.
Dr Maryam Salehijamis
Dr Maryam Salehijamis a client account executive at Axiom Law with over 13 years’ experience in the legal field. Specializing in connecting top legal talent with diverse teams, she holds a PhD in International Business Law, focusing on dispute resolution and legal research. Maryam’s expertise builds lasting client–candidate relationships, drawing from her academic career with 13 publications and a Routledge-published book on mediation and commercial contract law. Beyond academia, she mentors start-ups, emphasizing innovation, policy, and education.
Jenna Sanz-Agero
Jenna Sanz-Agero is a broad-based business advisor and legal and operations strategist, helping companies scale by doing more with less. Jenna holds degrees in law and finance and has practiced law for over 25 years, specializing in the entertainment, media, and technology space. Jenna is of counsel to boutique entertainment law firm, Business Affairs, Inc., and currently serves on the Advisory Board of xMentium, Inc., providing strategic planning and advice in the entertainment industry for this global tech company’s language collaboration platform. Jenna joined xMentium following her three years as the initial head of strategic knowledge management at Netflix, where she spearheaded KM programs for a global team of over 900 legal professionals. Prior to joining Netflix, Jenna led operations and business affairs while serving as COO for The H Collective, a media start-up with offices in Los Angeles and mainland China.
Yavanika Shah
Yavanika Shah serves as a legal business specialist, currently at the helm of business initiatives in the Southern Region (Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Chennai) for IndusLaw, a prominent Indian law firm boasting a team of over 450 lawyers and over 70 partners across major cities. Her role is pivotal in shaping the firm’s approach to the business of law. Beginning her career as a commercial lawyer in New Delhi, Yavanika gravitated towards the business aspects of law. This led her to transition into management consulting, where she collaborated with diverse legal markets globally, contributing her legal insights to international ventures. With an MBA in International Business Management and a background in economics and international law, Yavanika is not just a seasoned legal professional but also served as editor in chief of her law school’s flagship law journal. Her contributions to academia and participation in conferences underscore her dedication to thought leadership.
Ruslan Sulaimanov
Ruslan Sulaimanov is a US qualified attorney-at-law currently practicing in the United Arab Emirates for more than eight years. He is focused primarily on cross-border mergers and acquisitions, venture capital financing, and corporate transactions. He worked at King & Spalding, an American international law firm in Dubai (while covering the wider Middle East) prior to joining the headquarters of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company Group, one of the leading energy corporations, where he advises business on major acquisitions, divestments, and joint ventures, working on high-value transactions alongside other legal practitioners from major BigLaw and Magic Circle law firms. His educational background comprises a double major degree (BBA and LLB) from the American University of Central Asia, LLM degree from the Central European University and summer executive education programs from Stanford Law School, Berkeley Law School, and the Hague Academy of International Law.
Jake Sussman
Jake Sussman is the co-founder and chief operating and product officer of Evisort. Prior to Evisort, he worked at the Boston Consulting Group and Simpson Thacher & Bartlett. He was a member of the Forbes 30 Under 30 list, and he received his JD from Harvard Law School and a Bachelor of Science degree from Rutgers University.
Son Tran
Son Tran is general counsel and chief legal advisor of TTC Group, a leading multi-sector group of companies in Vietnam. His legal professional career has included legal practices in technology, real estate, corporate, investment banking, IP, and competition law. Son holds degrees in law and economics, an MBA in International Business from the Shidler School of Business at University of Hawaii, a BA in International Economics from Foreign Trade University, and a BA in Applied Linguistics at Ho Chi Minh Open University. He is a graduate at law school of Ho Chi Minh City and Swinburn Uni, a qualified lawyer, and a member of Ho Chi Minh City Bar Association.
Tara Trantham
Tara Trantham is an experienced, detail-oriented corporate lawyer with excellent litigation and management skills and is a driven team leader. Having over 23 years of experience, Tara is an expert in the financial services industry and specializes in regulatory compliance and risk management, SEC reporting, KYC compliance, ESG compliance, mergers and acquisitions, and licensing issues. Her expertise led to her handling the seminal CID from the CFPB in the installment loan industry, resulting in a no finding. In February 2022, Tara founded her own fractional general counsel company, Rise Legal Team. She is a member of the Georgia Bar, the American Bar Association, and has served on the Board of Directors for American Financial Services Association, and on the Law Committee of the American Financial Services Association (AFSA). She also served as chair of the State and Government Affairs Committee with AFSA.
Sana Virani
Sana Virani is a lawyer based in the West-Central region of India, specializing in providing legal solutions through contracts, catering primarily to founders and entrepreneurs. Beyond the legal realm, Sana is a versatile individual with diverse interests. Her proficiency in legal operations complements her skill in dealing with a broad spectrum of clients. A passionate writer, Sana demystifies legal complexities and makes law accessible to a wider audience.