Modern Lawyer
Volume 5, Issue 2, Jul 2021
First Things First - Addressing the challenge from all angles - leveraging responsible business to support JEDI
Malakia, Bendita Cynthia | Bright, Susan | Hay, Debra
5(2), pp. 2–7
New ways of looking at leadership - living life, and leading, effortlessly
Ho, Eric
5(2), pp. 12–17
In-house legal's vital role in ESG and law firm opportunities
Dance, E Leigh | Mazzoni, Anna Livia
5(2), pp. 22–27
Redefining leadership - talking OUT Leadership with Nokia
McGregor, Catherine
5(2), pp. 28–35
Will you lawyer or lead your way out of a pandemic?
Elstein, Michelle
5(2), pp. 36–39
Culture - somewhere over the rainbow or are we already home?
McGregor, Catherine
5(2), pp. 40–47
What do lawyers really want?
Hanks, Richard
5(2), pp. 48–49
Large versus smaller law firms - a multi-faceted choice
Knott, Hermann | Millard, Robert
5(2), pp. 50–56
Cheaper to keep 'er - the economic impact of losing female talent at law firms
Cecchi-Dimeglio, Paola
5(2), pp. 57–61
The Mentor's Mentor - It's ok not being ok
Stewart, Herman
5(2), pp. 62–64